Thursday, February 7, 2008

Throwback Thursdays!

First installment of Throwback Thursdays! Featuring:

Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac. 1975. This is an album I grew up on that also has the infamous Landslide on it. It also has other classics like...

Rhiannon, Over My Head, Say You Love Me, World Turning, and Sugar Daddy. It's just a classic album that I've ripped from my vinyl. Of course Landslide is a classic track, but these other ones made long car rides with my parents enjoyable as we all sang the songs. Great pop rock. I think his is evident with Rilo Kiley's new cd Under The Blacklight that takes many cues from Fleetwood Mac as well as NYC Smoke that shares the same riff as Rhiannon. Countless other bands are influenced by them as well.