Monday, November 19, 2007

New cds!

So sorry for the lack of updates! It's been hectic the past month or so and I haven't been able to update and review new cds. Unfortunately our DJ meeting this Sunday was a bust with about 15 people showing up (out of atleast 70!! why?!?). So, here are the new cds of this month!:

The Owls - Daughters and Suns
Ween - La Cucaracha
Up up Down Down Left right left Right B a Start - Worst Band Name Ever
Nicole Atkins - Neptune City
Madison Project - I Am The target
Luna Hal0 - Luna Halo
Bela Karoli - Furnished Rooms
The Caribbean - Populations
Ready The Jet - New Record Highs
Brimstone Howl - Guts of Steel
Neil Young - Chrome Dreams II
Brad Laner - Neighbor Singing
Joe Lally - Nothing is Underrated
The Wagner Logic - Easiest to Grab
Kiss her For The kid - Prettier Than Me
Half Acre Day - Fourteen Trips Around The Sun
The Mary Onettes - The Mary Onettes
Saturday Looks Good To Me - F*** Up The Room
Georgie James - Places
Coconut Records - Nighttiming

Please keep these on the left side if you use them AND DON'T STEAL! Just bring your computer in and burn them, takes 5 minutes. So remember, keep these cds listed above on the top left side (paper divider tells you). 10 DIFFERENT ADDS PER SHOW! that means from 10 different cds, 10 different tracks. Thank you! Happy turkey week!
